Fishing Snapper in the Mangroves

If you have had the opportunity to visit Florida, you know that there is a heavy focus on beaches, fishing, and seafood. With good reason. Florida was specially designed by God for us to enjoy. A close second to paradise. A fisherman’s paradise. You can enjoy the teeming waters both inland and offshore. Plenty of species to keep you excited and well-fed. 

Next time you are down in the Fort Myers area, take some time to fishing the mangroves. The mangroves are packed with fish. Snapper, Reds, Snook, Yellow Jack, Sheepshead, Black Drum, and more. 

How to Catch Snapper in the Mangroves

We’ve used a strategy when trying to catch snapper in the Florida mangroves. Use a 7′ casting rod with 15-pound test. Add a medium size bobble, 18-inch leader, and #10 barbed fishing hook. We prefer shrimp as bait (smaller). Drop at the beginning of the mangrove where the shade starts. Be ready for a quick hit. One reel after the bobber goes down and then a soft yank to set the hook.

Dinner is served.