All Americans should be shocked and disappointed with Saturday July, 13, 2024, assassination attempt on President Trump. The ungodly persecution of President Trump has led to the death of at least one innocent person. It could have led to much more violence. This was unnecessary. All the unwarranted persecutions are destroying our nation. We need real change. Change by all of us.
The Holy Bible teaches that we must “First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” (Matthew 23:26) Our nation needs a cleansing that starts from the inside. We need to empower younger generations through respect, honor, and true kindness.
The ungodly persecution of a former president teaches the opposite of respect, honor, and true kindness. I know there is plenty of blame to go around — by just about everyone. But it is better to work toward a better union than to dwell on the past. Empower all to return to a better way.
Growing Up in a Blue State
I grew up in Massachusetts. Knew many of the “movers and shakers” in the region. From Tip O’Neil to Gov Weld to Ted Williams. Beantown, home of Worcester, and definitely the region of championships.
Growing up in Massachusetts was great. Back then there was much more conservatives that had a built-in desire to show respect, be polite, and foster strong communities. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and others all held a general respect for community and their neighbors.
Something has definitely changed.
The sense of community has virtually vanished from many neighborhoods. Most residents feel disconnected from the community leaders. And many do not trust the government at all. They feel oppressed by the major media sources.
Change Begins with Us
Our nation needs civics. We need government, law enforcement, and fair taxation. There is not system on Earth that can exist without civics. The key is to reduce the personal attacks and to begin to “win” through the civic process. Patriots need to get involved. Many that complain do not even vote. They complain and yet fail to vote. At the very least they can vote at the local level or participate in civic activity that strengthen their community.
We can return America to its glory with one change at a time. It is as easy as “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”(2 Corinthians 10:5) Self-control with reliance on Almighty God will provide us with the strength and wisdom to turn the tide in the United States. Ungodly attacks on former presidents will be diminished. Less of an attraction for media groups. They will see that We The People want a better press.
The Loud Majority
We need to become the “Loud Majority” instead of the silent majority. Stand up for what is right — but with respect and honor. Peaceful resistance. Using our economic power to make change. Dropping the products of companies that have a tendency to support anti-freedom agendas. buy from companies that support liberty, freedom, and morality.
Join the school board, make your voice known at town hall meetings, be bold about teaching young people about our history and heritage. Encourage friends, associates, and colleagues to engage in respectful discussions about true issues. Teach respect. Be respectful.
The Persecution of President Trump
Most of all: the persecution of President Trump must stop. We must make our voices heard across our nation. Peaceful resistance to those that stir up evil. President Trump could have died or been physically damaged for life. Why? Because someone did not like his views? This is not the way a civil society operates.
Pray that God may guide His people to lead our nation back to respect, honor, and true kindness. We owe this to our children, grandchildren and the generations to come.